Judging by the model's shocked expression, she thinks Cimbalo is so wrong it's wrong. Or, this fine filly is rearing to go for Regis Philbin. Giddy-up!
Once upon a time, savvy, straight men and open-minded women blew their horns that they read the mainstream men’s magazine, Playboy, for its highly informative articles. Then came yesterday, a now infamous day in misogynistic publishing (well, at least for the past twenty-four hours) when a blowhard writer hater by the name of Guy Cimbalo informed blue-balled web denizens of the ten conservative women he’d like to “hate fuck”. After that statement, Playboy’s few remaining readers might want to fess up that they subscribe just to ogle naughty and ridiculously retouched pictures.
Yes, I’m aware that Playboy is a 2-D shrine to boobs, but I’m still confused as to how they got an insolent boob to write for them. To top that off, they even got a boob editor who gave the okay! This “list” of hateful drivel isn’t in the least bit informative, funny, witty, clever or entertaining. If anything it’s an outrageous embarrassment to liberals of both sexes, and beats the pitiful code of ethics boasted by drunken New Jersey frat boys. Mr. Cimbalo (and I use the title “Mr.” with unadulterated sarcasm) is entitled to disagree with these women’s political opinions and overall ideology. But to suggest “hate fucking” them is downright deplorable. Such language suggests sexual torment, humiliation and battery. “Hate fuck” equates to “love to rape”.
Here are just a few key highlights from the abomination “So Wrong It’s Right”:
“Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship-a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and you’ll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate [f**k]. We may despise everything these women represent, but goddammit they’re hot. Let the healing begin.” Is that what they call it in the state prison? Healing?! CUCKOO!
On Michelle Malkin he wrote, “Worse than fucking Eva Braun. Which would, actually, be difficult as Braun was cremated and her ashes scattered. But who needs a man with any historical knowledge.”. Just the kind of Guy you’d want to take home to Mom. Although, you might want to keep a watchful eye on Grandma’s urn.
On Megan Kelly: “You need to flagellate your genitals for wanting to fuck this woman.” Guy, thanks for sharing your handy pastime!
On Mary Katherine Ham: “The Hate F**k Rating: You get this one pregnant, she stays pregnant. Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?“. So much for the liberal mindset of a woman’s right to choose!
On Peggy Noonan: “Imagine fucking your grandmother. Because older women are automatically unsexy.” Hugh Hefner = Aging double standard. Need I say more?
On Elizabeth Hasselbeck: “You’re better served sucking off Regis Philbin.” Is that a below the belt testament?
The verdict’s out on this Guy, and the general consensus is that this Guy sucks! Judging by the subtext of his trash piece of poppycock, he should fess up to his impious, three-way closet fantasies with Rush Limbaugh, Hasselbeck and a twelve inch strap-on. And no, I didn’t say which Hasselbeck. Playboy can’t afford this “fuck” up; $PLA‘s closing price today was just $2.94 a share. It would be advisable for Playboy’s editors to swallow their pride and release a public apology. To think, all this time I thought Hefner was a libertarian! As for Cimbalo, the damage has just begun. Oh, and Guy, that hardcore “bitch” named Karma asked me to pass this on to you – “Go fuck yourself!“
Yo guys! Im an up and coming model and I want to make it by myself in the industry! I love messing around with cute boys and just having a great time you know?! I love my dogs, and just can’t get enough of them… and I like it when people show my kitten the same attention jk lmao!
The subject of your article is about a writer who works for Playboy. I can’t say I’m shocked to find out that he refers to women as sex objects with the sole purpose of fulfilling sexual fantasies/gratification. It’s a porn magazine…an antiquated porn magazine at that.
Also the idea that “hate fu*k” somehow equates to “rape” is a bit rediculous. Apparently you have never heard a man say, “She’s a crazy bit*h, but damn she hot!”
Just because you’d like to have sex with someone who you don’t like, does not mean you want to force yourself on them or “rape” them. It means you can’t stand them, but they’re hot and you would have sex with them.
Anyway, I agree that Playboy is garbage and the article in Playboy was no good, but if you are a really are a right-wing feminist, then why in the world are you reading Playboy articles?
Playboy? What is that, a magazine? The personification of Hugh Hefner with 10 vigara pills and a toupee?
Lol! The rug is news to me – the viagra is expected!