Oops… Britney did it again!

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If you haven’t been living under a rock this month you might have noticed that Britney Spears has been a current hot topic of entertainment… I mean discussion. Between the interview and Brit’s toxic waste, here are a few more ideas of what we could do…

If you haven’t been living under a rock this month you might have noticed that Ms. Spears has been a current hot topic of entertainment… I mean discussion.

Toxic… Waste

On June 4th US Weekly reported that Britney Spears was spotted picking out thongs (eww – pregnant woman in butt floss need I say more!) at a Victoria’s Secret in Mission Viejo, California when she decided to plop Sean Preston on the filthy store floor next to the cash register to change his dirty diaper. Apparently, Britney then tried to hand the dirty load to an employee but the salesperson refused to accept Brit’s very generous handout.

In my opinion, the salesperson turned down a potentially golden opportunity. Golden! I’m sure working at Victoria Secret has lots of perks like, like the employee discount and the employee discount. Anyway, if I were handed a dirty diaper by an international somewhat fallen celebrity I’d do what any internet, savvy money hungry bitch would do. I’d auction that stinker on Ebay! After all, Britney’s chewed gum auction was a hit.

Where the Hell was Britney’s Press Rep?

Britney Spears officially announced that she is a hick. Oops..I meant “Country” during a primetime interview this month on Dateline with Matt Lauer. During the meltdown interview Britney displayed classic trailer trash behaviourisms like chewing a wad of gum, scratching her scalp repeatedly, wearing a denim mini skirt short enough to expose her nether region and a top low enough to expose her huge, lactating melons. All very appropriate for a soon to be mother of two. Brit, it was Dateline not a NASCAR event – fire your stylist!

Aside from her appearance and absurd comments like “accidents happen” when questioned about nearly dropping poor Sean Preston on his head and not knowing how far along she is in her pregnancy (?), I found the most disturbing part of the interview was Britney’s voice deviation a la Michael Jackson. Caught off guard her voice slipped a few octaves lower and then back up to cutesy, sweet, Louisiana gal. (totally freakish!)

Britney, next time you decide to throw a nationally televised pity party for yourself make sure to have a press rep. present.

For those of you who missed the Dateline interview and want to be entertained you can catch it on YouTube.



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