myTprompt :: the Ultimate Vlogger Podcast and YouTube Teleprompter

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Hello out there in Internet land! Yes, this is an actual INFOMERCIAL with some SPOOF on the side for our exclusive myTprompt Vlogger Teleprompter Software. For tech specs and to order your myTprompt online go to:

Alexander: When Michelle and I first started our video blog site,, featuring the shows HotRoast and mo’Money we couldn’t imagine how tricky it would be to provide a smooth delivery of the material we were presenting for each episode. We figured as long as we had the basic outline of what to say, the delivery would be a piece of cake.

Michelle: Boy, were we wrong! No matter how well we thought we knew our material, and after trudging through a few preliminary episodes, with loads of “umms”, “uhhhhs”, “duhhhhs”, and “dang, I fumbled again?!”… we just couldn’t take it anymore.

Alexander: We had to find a simple solution. After lots of experimentation, the best solution we found was to write a complete script before recording, which actually took us much less time than we had wasted by not doing it!

Michelle: Imagine – dealing with the trauma and fatigue of “take 22 (blah!)”. We needed a teleprompter, so we could finally focus on delivering a smooth, animated, and passionate performance. What a great feeling it would be to do our videos, talking just as we normally do, without having to be self-conscious or thinking about what to say next. We could deliver our messages so smoothly that they sounded just like pros recorded them!

Alexander: But We still had one more problem. We figured that finding the right teleprompter software to do just what we wanted to do would be a breeze. I mean, how hard could it be to find a reasonably priced quality teleprompter solution to scroll some text on the screen in a manageable way?

Michelle: Teleprompters themselves are nothing new, and there are quite a few available on the Internet. After hours of research, and even coming across a few less expensive teleprompter software packages, WE COULD NOT FIND ONE REASONABLY PRICED TELEPROMPTER SOLUTION THAT COULD DO ALL THAT WE WANTED! And We weren’t willing to shell out $250-$1500 for a full-blown teleprompter (even for a used one, and sometimes for software only! (just check eBay). And yes, we’ve even tried the (eh hem) amazing “Podcast Teleprompter” as well…

Alexander: We finally gave up the search, and I decided that the only way we were going to get our ideal teleprompting solution would be if I designed, created, and programmed it myself, which is exactly what I did next! I wrote my own teleprompter with the exact layout and features that we wanted and needed to make the vlogging process as smooth and efficient as possible. The final result was so impressive that we decided to make our home grown, high quality, low cost teleprompter solution available to everyone and anyone interested in creating their own vlogs and podcasts.

Michelle: FINALLY We had AN AFFORDABLE SOLUTION THAT WORKS! The MyTprompt Vlogger Teleprompter. It quickly and easily makes our vlogs look and sound as if they were recorded in a professional network studio! And even better, by making our MyTprompt teleprompting solution available to the world, we can also help you focus on releasing your creativity with high quality presentations! MyTprompt is so easy to use that you’ll be making professional-sounding videos and audio blogs within hours. But don’t take our word for it, just watch some of our past vlog episodes at

Alexander: We’ve successfully created the equivalent of a $1000+ professional teleprompter solution fine-tuned for vloggers and podcasters for under $100 bucks. And we’ll show you how you can do the same just by buying an old Tablet PC on eBay that you can use as your teleprompting PC! If you already have an old laptop lying around that you can use, or if you’re doing podcasts, you can most likely use your current PC for an even smaller cost!

Michelle: Hey – If we’ve gotten your attention, and I’m hoping this bikini top at least has, act now and don’t wait a moment longer. Visit to order myTprompt now and join the Vlogolution! It’s that simple.

Alexander: In fact, we’re so confident of the value you’ll receive from using MyTprompt that if you’re not satisfied we’ll issue you a FULL REFUND! Visit to order MyTPrompt Today!



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